We welcome the first lady in our podcast series.
ELIN joined us with a mix that shows a wide range of musical inspirations as well as her deep love for disco, funk and soul infected house.In her chosen hometown Hamburg, Elin is the booker of two brilliant parties called DEAR and MONGREL at the beloved EGO club.DEAR is focussing on modern clubsounds inspired by house from Detroit and Chicago. Guests like Levon Vincent, Prosumer, Move D, Tom Trago, Session Victim and many others have joined DEAR so far, and the next artists to come up are Soundstream and Kyle Hall. MONGREL on the other side is featuring artists that are producing and playing music on the edge of house, like disco and (post)dubstep. So far Elin welcomed Joy Orbison and Mark E as her guests, so this new project looks like its going into a very interesting direction as well.Elin’s bookings show her openness when it comes to electronic music and this is also reflected in her own DJ sets that can vary in between house, disco and uk bass. Fortunately Elin is sharing the love for vinyl with us and delivered a vinyl only mix.
More Infos:
Love goes out to you, Elin!!
ELIN for Souldiction36
Space Dimension Controller - Electropod - 250 Collision (Kinnego)
Toney Lee - Love So Deep (Dance Records)
Benjamin Brunn - Dance Inside (Areal)
Soulphiction -Spme Things Remain (Philpot)
Daft Punk- Wdpk (Gala Records)
Space Dimension Controller - Transatlantic Landing Bay (R&S)
Syclops - Where's Jason's K (DFA Records)
Robaphex - Play (On Records)
Sevensol & Bender - Scuba (Fauxpas)
Floating Points - Vacuum Boogie (Eglo)
Oni Ayhun (OAR 003)
Joy Orbison - BRKLN CLLN (Doldrums)
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